Brentwood possesses several key advantages that allow it to effectively compete in trustee sales, open market, and direct lender transactions. These advantages include:
In-Depth Local Market Knowledge and Expertise
Brentwood Real Estate Group was established in 2007 specifically to engage in the handling of distressed and undervalued residential real estate assets. Brentwood principals possess extensive transactional, operational and financial expertise in the real estate industry that allows the Company to identify undervalued residential real estate assets. Since its founding, Brentwood Real Estate Group has successfully transacted well over 500 residential properties.
Extensive Support Infrastructures and Real-Time Market Data
Brentwood has developed extensive infrastructures and proprietary real-time information systems that support the Company’s efforts. In addition, Brentwood employs a fully integrated support staff whose primary focus is the support of the company’s investment efforts. It is through this support staff and infrastructures that the Brentwood is able to gain a competitive advantage and adeptly identify, and compete to acquire the best investment opportunities.
Unique Strategic Relationships
Brentwood Real Estate Group possesses a significant competitive advantage via its expansive network of independent brokers, contractors, lenders, title and escrow agents, and appraisers, that the principals of the Company have developed through more than 25 years of direct market experience. This network is invaluable for supporting the company’s seamless execution of transactions and maintaining its fast-tracked investment timelines.